Caring for Cancer Patients since 1996

Refer A Patient

When should you refer a patient?

The following broad referral criteria have been developed to help you assess whether a palliative care referral would be beneficial to you and your patient. One or more of the following may indicate the need for referral to the palliative care team:

  • Metastatic or locally-advanced cancer progressing despite systemic treatments
  • Metastatic disease with uncontrolled pain
  • Declining ability to complete activities of daily living
  • Failure of first – or second-line chemotherapy
  • Multi-organ failure
  • Multiple hospitalizations
  • Difficult to control physical or emotional symptoms related to serious medical illness
  • Patient, family or physician uncertainty regarding goals of care
  • Patient or family requests for futile care
  • Patient, family or any other physician request for information on palliative care
  • Family caregiver request for guidance to manage patient’s care at home
  • Patient or family psychological or spiritual distress
  • Patient wanting to stop all treatment and needing continuing care at home
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Call Our Helpline

You can refer a patient by calling our Helpline

Delhi: +91 11 4101 0539, +91 98990 11212
Amritsar: +91 9501887956
Bathinda: +91 9315905178
Meerut: +91 8826576722

Mon to Fri – 9:30 am to 5:30 pm

Our trained counselors provide information and emotional support to cancer patients and their family members. This is a confidential service.