Creating an Ecosystem of Positivity

I was diagnosed with colon cancer (Stage 2) on 29th November, 2021. Immediately after the verdict I raved and ranted. ‘I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I am not obese, I exercise regularly – then why me? How come me? Poor me!’ I went through the entire spectrum of anger, frustration, angst and yes, even a few of tears.
Gently And Honestly: How To Talk to Your Child About A Life-Threatening Illness

The recent video shared by the Princess of Wales about her cancer diagnosis alludes to a dilemma. As a parent, there is a natural urge to spare your children from bad news but there comes a time when keeping the truth from them may cause more harm. The question is when and how to do this best without causing anxiety.
Bringing Comfort in the Midst of Conflict

In the heart of every conflict, amid the chaos and despair, there exists a dire need for solace and relief. We witness this need first hand as a palliative care unit in India. Palliative care, a discipline often overshadowed by other branches of medicine, holds immense potential especially in war-torn regions, where suffering knows no bounds.
Caregiver Burden: A Silent Killer

In today’s era, as the world emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, we find ourselves adapting to a new normal. We breathe in fresh air, witness smiles, and once again experience the warmth of touch. The crisis has taught us that caregiving is a full-time, multifaceted, and often exhausting commitment, requiring a deep understanding of its many dimensions.
A Survivor’s Journey – Article by Dr Anjana Bhan

I want to start my story on a happy and grateful note, because that is exactly how I feel today. Some years ago, however, it was not so. Definitely not that fateful day, when I was informed of my right kidney cancer.
Cancer – Symptoms & Signs to Watch Out For

Cancer is a disease where the abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and invade nearby or distant tissues. There are several types of cancer and these are labelled according to the organ they originate from for e.g., breast cancer, lung cancer, leukaemia (blood) etc. Cancers develop mainly due to environmental insults like tobacco, pollution, alcohol, etc or rarely they may be genetic.
COVID -19 Vaccinations for Solid tumour Cancer Patients

Cancer patients have three journeys: a) patients with active disease on treatment, b) those with chronic disease after specific treatment and 3) patients in the survivorship phase (within 5 years of anti-cancer therapy). This information leaflet applies to all patients.
Global Palliative Care Needs of Older Adults in the Pandemic

The IAHPC was honored to convene a side event at the 11th UN Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing with experts Dr. Farzana Khan, Ms. Harmala Gupta, Dott Simone Cernesi, Dr Zipporah Ali, and Mr. Marvin Mutch.