Pain Management

Pain Management

CanSupport has licensed centres as registered medical institutes under the NDPS Act and we dispense and administer pain management aids to patients in our home care and outpatient care programs.

Pain management is a key part of palliative care and is integral to our approach to tend to patients with cancer and other serious illnesses or those with a limited life span. The goal is to help them live as active, fulfilling lives as possible by managing pain and other symptoms.

By starting palliative care early, and by using the right type of pain management, nearly all related issues can be relieved or at least reduced. Pain control, in addition to the other treatments such as alleviation of psychological, sociological and spiritual problems, has a priority. Properly done, it can achieve a better quality of life for the patients and their families.

1 Patient’s medicines for Pain Management for a month ₹950.

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Donation Total: ₹949.00