Home Care
Receive personalized, comprehensive palliative care in the comfort and privacy of your home.

CanSupport’s Home-based Palliative Care Program is a pioneering model in North India directed at patients suffering from advanced and terminal cancer. It is the largest of its kind in the country and has been replicated in various States. The Model has also earned CanSupport the World Health Organization Public Champion Award in 2017 among various other honors.
The goals of Home Care are extremely concrete: skilled pain and symptom management, supportive nursing care, psychological and spiritual care and a support system to sustain the individual’s family as well as bereavement support and counselling.
Professional multidisciplinary teams of doctors, nurses and counsellors regularly visit patients registered with them in their homes to look after them.
The frequency of home visits and the goals of care are tailored to meet the needs of each individual patient and family.
Our Home Care teams focus on providing:
- factual information to patients and families, communicating the pros and cons of different options to help them make informed decisions for themselves in the context of their own priorities
- pain relief and management of any distressing symptoms to maximize comfort and keep the patient functional
- comprehensive nursing care and provision of necessary medical equipment to help with daily activities of living
- family caregivers and even patients with simple nursing skills to regain control over their care
- patients and families an opportunity to talk and understand what to expect during the future course of their illness and know how to manage predictable symptom crises at home efficiently and not panic
- counselling and emotional support to help reconcile psychosocial and spiritual pains or help find ways of coping
- assistance to work through feelings of loss or grief
- practical support for financial, legal and other resource needs
Are you or a loved one living with cancer? We are here to help.
CanSupport Helplines