Caring for Cancer Patients since 1996

Terms and Conditions

Use of Donations

CanSupport believes in the highest level of transparency and responsibility. All the donations are used for the purpose that you select on the donation page for e.g. Home Care, Day Care etc.

If you are a corporate or large individual donor, we shall be glad to provide you with documentary evidence that your donation has been used as intended. For administrative cost reasons, this is not possible for all donations, only large ones.

Donation Refund Policy

CanSupport expects that all donors will exercise due care and diligence while making donations. However we understand that in today’s digital age, donations may be made erroneously or donors may change their mind.

In such an event, please write to us within 15 days and specify the following:

  • Donation date
  • Donation amount
  • Mode of payment (cheque, credit card, online form etc)
  • Reason for seeking refund

Send your request to:

60/2D, Ground & First Floor, Indian Oil Bhawan Compound,
Yusuf Sarai, New Delhi – 110016, India

We shall examine each request for refund of donation and endeavour to make the refund. We may need to seek further information / documents and the donor must co-operate in this regard. However, CanSupport shall not be obliged to make refund and may, in its discretion, decline any requests for refund of donations, particularly if a tax exemption certificate has been issued.

All decisions of CanSupport in this regard will be final and binding on the donor.

Privacy Policy

CanSupport respects its users in every way and we ensure to protect at all costs. CanSupport aims to provide rich content, better service and information to each and every user.

Information usage

CanSupport works on giving out better service in different forms and we do not sell or giveaway your personal information other than public info giving out by you. We are very conscious about mail spam and we try to protect every email as much as possible. In certain cases your mail may be exposed to public.

Information we gather

All the information submitted during the process of registration or any information saved on website is done by you. You may not publish any of your data if you wish but you may be restricted from some of the site functionality in that case.


Cookies are the best source to increase responsiveness of the users in our website. You may consider cookies like pieces of information which are stored in your computer browsers. These cookies help you remember login id or other information on our website for better experience. Note that cookies do not harm your computer or computer browser in any case.

Links to other websites

CanSupport works to provide better content to readers and our website might include link to other websites. Each website we link may be protected by their respective privacy policy which is beyond our control and we cannot have any control over them/their website.

Change of Privacy Policy

Internet is always changing and in the same manner we hold the right to change any rule in privacy policy to change at any instant of time without notice to our readers. By using this website, you are accepting the privacy policy and also any change made in the policy without intimation.