Palliative Care Training

We use our expertise and experience since 1996 to run outstanding educational programs in palliative care for doctors, nurses, counselors, paramedical staff, medical and nursing students/interns, psychologists, social workers and interested individuals.
We also run tailor-made training modules to help start new palliative care services or strength existing ones in the country.
In the past years, State Governments have invited CanSupport to replicate the model in their healthcare institutions in Patiala, Srinagar and Bikaner in Northern India with the next one planned in Raipur.
CanSupport is one of the training centres for the National Fellowship in Palliative Medicine and End of life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC).
CanSupport’s Training and Education Programs in Palliative Care include:
CME Workshops
- CME Workshops for Students/Clinical Interns in Medical/Nursing Colleges
- CME Workshops for Doctors and Nurses in healthcare institutions
Foundation Courses
- Annual Foundation Course in Palliative Care
- Annual Foundation Course in Palliative Nursing
Certificate Courses
- Certificate Course in Palliative Medicine
- Certificate Course in Palliative Nursing
- Certificate Course in Counseling in Palliative and End of Life Care
National Fellowship Program
- National Fellowship in Palliative Medicine
Dr. Ravinder Mohan
Head – Training & Research
Tel: +91-9818215821