Veena was 38 years old when she was diagnosed with cancer of the cervix and was undergoing treatment at G.M.C.H. Hospital in Amritsar. The hospital referred her to CanSupport for palliative care at home.
Veena had two daughters aged 15 and 14 years. When she was diagnosed with cancer, her husband abandoned both her and their daughters. It was her younger sister who gave her and her daughters shelter in her house.
Veena’s sister worked as a house-help at a few homes. With whatever little she earned, she struggled to provide for her family, and now she had to take care of her ailing sister and her daughters.
Role of CanSupport in Palliative Care
During the first visit, the team learnt about her symptoms that included abdominal pain, due to which she was mostly confined to bed, continuously passing urine and experiencing weakness.
For the team, the first priority was to relieve her of pain. After gauging her pain score, she was administered morphine and other supportive medication. With the help of medication, Veena was finally relieved of severe pain.
As Veena was mostly on bed due to continuous effusion of urine, the team nurse educated her on the importance of side change (every 2 hours), back care, mouth care and the right time for her to change the diaper.
Providing Psychosocial Support
Veena was very sad and depressed due to her illness, her husband abandoning them and like any mother she was anguished and worried for her daughters and their future. She was in distress due to her sickness- mentally and physically. Counselling by the team counsellor to Veena and her sister played a crucial role in alleviating their fears to some extent.
During the third visit, the team counsellor talked with Veena’s sister about Veena’s biggest worry – her daughters’ future when she was no more. The team counsellor suggested to Veena’s sister to assure Veena that she would look after the two girls if something happened to Veena. The counsellor explained to the sister that this would ease a lot of pressure off Veena’s mind.
Veena’s sister understood and empathised with Veena’s worries and during a conversation with Veena, she promised her that after her death she would look after the two girls as her own children. After hearing these words, a big burden was lifted off Veena’s chest.
Providing for the Family’s Needs
Considering the family’s financial situation, the team also helped by providing them dry food ration, diapers for Veena and other medical supplies to manage her symptoms. Even though Veena was at peace and relatively pain-free, her health continued to deteriorate day by day. The team counselled the family and made them aware that Veena’s end was near.
A Heartfelt Reunion: Veena and Her Husband
During one of the home visits, Veena told the team that before she died, it was her last desire to see her husband. The team counsellor contacted Veena’s husband and shared details about Veena’s condition and her wish. He was remorseful of his behaviour and agreed to meet her. When he saw Veena, he asked for her forgiveness and assured her that after her, he would look after their daughters and that need not be a worry for Veena.
A Peaceful Farewell
A few days later, Veena passed away peacefully – in no pain and in the satisfaction of her daughters’ safe and secure future!