Turn the Tide Against Cancer

Cancer is a disease where the abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and invade nearby or distant tissues. There are several types of cancer and these are labelled according to the organ they originate from for e.g., breast cancer, lung cancer, leukaemia (blood) etc. Cancers develop mainly due to environmental insults like tobacco, pollution, alcohol, etc or rarely they may be genetic.
Covid-19 Pandemic Has Made Dealing with Cancer Much Harder

Ever since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, dealing with cancer has got much harder. Visiting a hospital is fraught with consequences if you have cancer. Not only have treatments been interrupted, operations postponed, but cancer screening programmes, so vital for picking up cancer early in order to save lives, have ground to a halt.
Medicine’s Neglected Half

The relevance of palliative care is growing thanks to the rise in non-communicable diseases and chronic lifelong conditions. The list of those who need palliative care is keeping pace with the increase in the average human life span. Earlier, it was primarily restricted to people with cancer. Now those with HIV/AIDS, neurodegenerative disorders (including forms of dementia), progressive neuromuscular diseases, metabolic disorders, terminal organ failures, cardiac or respiratory conditions, liver conditions, and others, are all included.
Spiritual Care at CanSupport

We all know that psychosocial and spiritual/religious distress has always existed but there has been a path plastic? effect of pandemic on these problems. During Covid-19 all religious places such as temples, gurudwaras, mosques and churches were closed indefinitely.
COVID-19 in the time of NCDs

It is an irony, that it has taken a highly communicable condition like COVID-19 to highlight the dangers inherent in non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, heart and respiratory ailments, to health. These are usually bracketed away as previously underlying or pre-existing medical conditions when, in fact, they should be in the foreground.
Lockdown Experience – Q&A with Counsellor Garima, Team CanSupport

We are going through a rough time due to COVID-19 pandemic. In this critical time the responsibility of our counsellors has increased, as has the anxiety and stress level of our patients and caregivers. Due to the lockdown and social distancing, the counsellors were asked to be in regular touch with and, care about their patient’s emotional and mental health through telephonic counselling.