Creating an Ecosystem of Positivity


I was diagnosed with colon cancer (Stage 2) on 29th November, 2021. Immediately after the verdict I raved and ranted. ‘I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I am not obese, I exercise regularly – then why me? How come me? Poor me!’ I went through the entire spectrum of anger, frustration, angst and yes, even a few of tears.

Just then I looked at my wife Madhavi and my children Ankita and Aniket and I found their faces simply crumple. It was as if they were seeing my own death in my eyes. At that point I decided I couldn’t subject my family to the trauma I was going through.

Throughout my life I had battled the toughest of odds. I was a product from a broken home, a suicide survivor at 15 and a patient of brittle diabetes and silent thyroiditis. I had fought and was battling all these crises with my exclusive mantra of ‘Managing every tumour with humour’.

Being a writer, a storyteller and an inspirational speaker I decided to script a new reality with my mantra as its fulcrum.

Ankita and I created a dance video, two days after my radiation, with an inspirational message on how to fight Cancer. The video went viral and notched up 232K views on Instagram.

I participated in panel discussions, interviews, posted parodies and poems. I filled social media with funny and quirky messages.

There were several occasions when I was struck by tidal waves of black depression. But I never allowed them to overwhelm me.

I battled 3 septic shocks (the probability of surviving one septic shock is only around 30%), 4 major surgeries, 5 rounds of radiation, 10 chemo cycles and 40 days in ICU. I was declared cancer free on November 23rd, 2022.

My greatest support system throughout this terrible ordeal has been my family. The lives of the terrific trio had become a relentless syndrome of visits to the hospital, meetings with the doctors, a few hours at home and back again – each moment alternating between dread and relief, despair and hope. But in all this chaos none of them pressed the panic button. They never lost hope nor faith in the doctors. And they never, ever gave me a glimpse of the Hades to which I had travelled quite a few times.

My foul weather friends also rallied around with messages and calls. Prayers in different places of worship, invocations, columns in newspapers, posts in social media…. I was simply amazed at the love, affection, concern and blessings I was inundated with.

My family, my friends and I managed to create an ecosystem of positivity – a universe, which helped me claw back, quite literally, from the jaws of death.

For me the most important take away from my cancer experience is that ‘The worst of times, often bring out the best in you.’

I have often been asked about my coping mechanisms I would advise to battle cancer or any other crisis. I would suggest the following:

  • Don’t take yourself too seriously. Boil on the bum or your bum on the boil – try to see the ridiculous in the sublime.
  • Pursue a passion. It can be music, painting, gardening, reading, cooking et al. This will keep your mind occupied in a productive activity and will not allow negative thoughts and anxieties to invade your space.
  • Build relationships. In the rodent race called life we often forget to forge and strengthen relationships. You have heard of Anytime Money or ATM card. I have created a new card - ATM - or ‘Anytime Memory’ Card. The most precious gift you can give your family and friends is not money or things which money can buy. It is a bundle of memories – each a gossamer fabric of fun and togetherness. And how is this fabric created – with two four letter words - Love & Time. So go ahead and create memories and stock up your new ATM. And whenever there is a crisis ‘encash’ it.
  • Practice mindfulness which is defined as living in the moment. I found my mindfulness in my writing. The hours which I devote to my creativity every day, I am living life to the fullest.
  • Be optimistic. This attitude will have a cascading effect. Those around you too will be caressed by hope and they will respond in the same way. And together you will create an ecosystem of positivity which will offer you solace, succour and strength.

This article was first published in

Ramendra Kumar (Ramen) is a performance storyteller, inspirational speaker and an award winning writer with 49 books to his credit.
