Story of Manoj – Fighting to Live


Manoj Kumar is a young man who had always been active and lived a simple, content life with his father and sister. As he carried on, it was when he turned 35 that the peaceful existence got shaken up. A visit to the hospital revealed that he was suffering from testicular cancer. This jolt was something the family was caught off guard by and led to Manoj’s erstwhile cheerful demeanour turning grim.

The CanSupport team got in touch with the family and assessed how best they could help them. The first visit brought his hesitation and unwillingness to share much to the fore. He was generally irked by how his life had almost come to a standstill. Our counsellors are well versed in handling similar situations so they realised that it would be better to build a rapport and let him open up to them.

As we continued our visits, he began to understand that the doctor, nurse, and the counsellor had the best of his interests in their hearts and felt comfortable to share his feelings with them. Apart from the drastic turn his life had taken, as his primary caregivers were his father and sister, he was scared that if his sibling were to get married, who would look after him when he is not able to do so himself? That had been wreaking havoc on his mental health intensified by anger due to his girlfriend abandoning him post the diagnosis. These factors had worsened his overall health.

Acting swiftly, our team decided to counsel him regarding acceptance of his circumstance and not avoid it. They motivated him do what all he can manage as he gets the treatment and keep himself engaged to not let an empty mind overtake. Following this, they connected him to support groups of cancer patients who are living with the disease so that he comprehends that he is not alone; there are many others who have been in his position but choose to live and thrive with all their might. He was suggested varied ways he could work on improving the quality of life that had been changed and it was encouraging for the team to also see that he trusted them to implement the measures.

The drastic shift in his mindset from all the negativity to how he used to be, Manoj has come a long way and we are extremely delighted by the transformation, and wish he continues to do well.

(Picture in display is representation of CanSupport Home care Services)

To protect the privacy of the patient and the family, the name/s in the story have been changed. There are many people who need palliative care but they don’t know where to go. While CanSupport is doing its best the reach out to people informing them about their services, we request you to spread the word.

Share our Helpline Number 011 41010539 with all the needy people. Though all CanSupport services are free of charge for patients, the cost of reaching out to patients and caring for them cost Rs. 1300/- per visit per patient.

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