Door to door Cancer and Palliative Care Awareness Drive and Awareness Session organized in Tigri Khanpur


CanSupport’s community networking team organized a door to door Cancer and Palliative Care awareness drive in Tigri Khanpur, Delhi on the 23 May, 2019. Our community networking officer, took rounds in the community and were able to reach out to around 60 families and informed them about key aspects of cancer and importance of palliative care.

A cancer awareness camp was also organized on the same day. The session was aimed at raising awareness among the general public about the major causes of cancer like smoking, alcohol intake, tobacco consumption, lack of exercise, and a sedentary lifestyle, etc. Savita Luka, Deputy Head Training & Education, took the session on cancer for local residents. Around 95 participants attended the camp. We are grateful to Rajender Dongowal, Director, Hari Naryan In-charge Navjyoti Development Society and Kailash from Save Human Social Society for supporting us in organizing the camp.